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Revel Alternator Belt Replacement

Included Hardware

  • 21-23 Revel with OEM N62 alternator bracket from Mercedes: Gates K060525HD or non HD equivalent
  • RoamRig (with Techni 2 belt alternator kit): 6PK1400 or equivalent
  • RoamRig (with 3 belt CW Mill bracket): Gates K060525HD or non HD equivalent

Tools Needed

  • E10 Torx Socket or Wrench
  • Right Angle Pick or Small Flat Blade Screwdriver
  • Mercedes Belt Tensioner Tool - Bonbo M270 Serpentine Belt Tool (available on Amazon)


  1. Disconnect chassis battery using the quick disconnect next to the accelerator pedal.
  2. Pull Fuse #32 from driver seat base.
  3. Remove fan clutch leash using E10 Torx socket/wrench and set the bolt aside.
  4. Remove the fan clutch wire harness plug using an angled pick. Press against the connector just below the white release tab lock and pull upwards to remove.
  5. Use the belt tension tool to release tension on the belt. Pull the tool towards the passenger side of the vehicle to release tension. Remove belt from alternator pulley.
  6. From the top of the engine bay, grab the belt and slip the belt between the fan and the fan shroud. Work belt around fan.
  7. Remove the belt from the bottom of the fan and between the fan shroud.
  8. Take the new belt, and starting from the top of the engine bay work the belt between the fan and the fan shroud. Once the belt is over the top of the fan, proceed under the van to work the belt from between the fan and fan shroud and around the fan.
  9. Place new belt over fan pulley and crankshaft pulley.
  10. Route belt between the idler pulley and the tensioner. Smooth side of the belt rides on the tensioner and idler pulley.
  11. Make sure the ribs of the belt are properly seated around the fan pulley and crankshaft pulley.
  12. Using the tensioner tool, compress the tensioner by pulling tool towards the passenger side of the vehicle.
  13. Place belt over the alternator pulley.
  14. Release the belt tensioner and remove tensioner tool.
  15. Verify the new belt is properly seated onto the fan pulley and crankshaft pulley.
  16. Reinstall fan clutch leash.
  17. Reinstall van clutch wiring harness plug.
  18. Reinstall Fuse #32.
  19. Reconnect chassis battery disconnect.